Face­book Live Streaming

Have you ever thought about Face­book Live to impro­ve your visi­bi­li­ty on social media? Face­book Live strea­ming gets six times more atten­ti­on than regu­lar vide­os on Face­book and can give your web­site a wel­co­me boost in the Face­book algo­rithm.

More and more com­pa­nies are using Face­book Live as an indis­pensable tool to get noti­ced. Face­book Live is a valuable addi­ti­on to your mar­ke­ting mix if you want to expand your brand and increase awareness.

What is Face­book Live?

If you install the Face­book Live soft­ware, you can stream to your fol­lo­wers in real time from your lap­top, tablet or smart­phone. Your view­ers will pro­ba­b­ly noti­ce that this is a home­ma­de pro­duc­tion, as often only the basic opti­ons are used. You also have to get to grips with all the tech­ni­cal obs­ta­cles on your own and work around them in par­al­lel to your actu­al performance.

Why not hire professionals?

Stream­box­stu­di­os can pro­du­ce any Face­book Live strea­ming ses­si­on you want. You real­ly should­n’t miss out on our oppor­tu­ni­ties to pre­sent yours­elf in the best sound and best image.

Sin­ce its launch in 2016, Face­book Live has beco­me a popu­lar way to increase awa­re­ness on social media. Sin­ce then, the­re have been more than 3.5 mil­li­on live broad­casts. During a Face­book Live broad­cast, view­ers can inter­act with you and your con­tent using emo­jis or comments.

What does Face­book Live offer?

Make your con­tent as inte­res­t­ing as pos­si­ble, be it infor­ma­ti­ve, enter­tai­ning or both. Your ima­gi­na­ti­on is your only limi­ta­ti­on, but here are five ide­as to help you get started:

  • Ques­ti­on and ans­wer sessions
  • Real-time tuto­ri­als
  • Make a news announcement
  • Stream your actu­al event live
  • Ans­wer ques­ti­ons and comm­ents about your blog

Ques­ti­on and ans­wer sessions

If you are an expert in your field, you can plan a Q&A event whe­re view­ers can ask you ques­ti­ons in real time and you can ans­wer them immediately.

Real-time tuto­ri­als

View­ers love givea­ways. Offe­ring a free tuto­ri­al on a spe­ci­fic task that your audi­ence is strugg­ling with can be bene­fi­ci­al for you and your brand while hel­ping tho­se who are wat­ching. You can also use the­se tuto­ri­als to ans­wer ques­ti­ons. This fur­ther streng­thens inte­rest in you and your brand.

Make a news announcement

Do you have a new pro­duct or ser­vice and can hard­ly wait to tell the world about it? Why not announ­ce it on Face­book Live? Remem­ber to keep sha­ring links and offe­ring clear, regu­lar calls-to-action to impro­ve conversions.

Stream your actu­al event live

If you are orga­ni­zing a live event, be it an award cerem­o­ny, a pre­sen­ta­ti­on or a trade fair, stream this event via live stream and thus ensu­re addi­tio­nal atten­ti­on. Show your audi­ence what they have missed if they have not atten­ded the live event.

Ans­wer ques­ti­ons and comm­ents about your blog

A Q&A ses­si­on is a gre­at solu­ti­on if you’­re strugg­ling to keep up with all the ques­ti­ons you recei­ve on your blog. Ins­tead of working through each one indi­vi­du­al­ly, plan a Face­book Live event ins­tead. Ans­wer fre­quent­ly asked ques­ti­ons in a sin­gle stream and increase live enga­ge­ment at the same time. If someone mis­ses the live strea­ming, he/she can repeat it later at any time. You can also share the Face­book Live stream on your New Arri­vals page.

Using Face­book Live

Get­ting star­ted with Face­book Live is pret­ty easy. Click on the Live video opti­on next to the sta­tus update on your page. You can then wri­te a descrip­ti­on for your Face­book live­stream and sel­ect your tar­get group. Broad­cast in public mode or rest­rict it to cer­tain sel­ec­ted subscribers.

Howe­ver, the­re is more to a sophisti­ca­ted pre­sen­ta­ti­on. When it comes to qua­li­ty, cont­act the Stream­box­stu­di­os team.

Advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges of Face­book Live

Face­book Live boosts awa­re­ness, bols­ters your pro­fi­le and gives you more influence on the Face­book algo­rith­ms. It is also free of char­ge. The down­si­de of Face­book Live is that you may encoun­ter tech­ni­cal issues that affect your engagement.