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Pre­sen­ta­ti­on trai­ning / came­ra training

The recep­ti­ve­ness of users, both on site and in front of the dis­play, depends on a varie­ty of fac­tors. It is the­r­e­fo­re all the more important that the pre­sen­ta­ti­on is visual­ly appe­al­ing and gets to the point in terms of content.
One chall­enge is the pre­sen­ta­ti­on wit­hout a visi­ble audi­ence. We offer sui­ta­ble pre­sen­ta­ti­on trai­ning so that you can pre­sent with con­fi­dence. On the one hand, to “warm up” to the unfa­mi­li­ar situa­ti­on in front of the came­ra, on the other hand, to put your own pre­sen­ta­ti­on through its paces befo­re (!) the actu­al appoint­ment and to opti­mi­ze it if necessary.


Pre-pro­duc­tion of indi­vi­du­al con­tri­bu­ti­ons is par­ti­cu­lar­ly useful when a pre­cis­e­ly defi­ned sche­du­le has to be adhe­red to. To this end, we record the con­tri­bu­ti­ons in our stu­dio and prepa­re them in such a way that it can be cal­led “MAZ ab” from time to time on the day of the broad­cast. Alter­na­ting bet­ween live mode­ra­ti­on, recor­ding and sub­se­quent live dis­cus­sion with the spea­k­ers is a good way forward.


If you make the recor­ding of your live­stream available in its enti­re­ty or in indi­vi­du­al sequen­ces via a sui­ta­ble plat­form, for exam­p­le via a free Vimeo or You­Tube chan­nel, then you are pro­vi­ding your tar­get group with fur­ther added value. In any case, with video-on-demand you mul­ti­ply your mes­sa­ge and reach inte­res­ted users long after the live event.

Video pod­cast

A live­stream con­sis­ting of seve­ral lec­tures, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons or con­tri­bu­ti­ons can be cut into the­ma­ti­cal­ly sui­ta­ble blocks after the event. The indi­vi­du­al con­tri­bu­ti­ons are then pro­vi­ded with sui­ta­ble titles and clo­sing slides and published at defi­ned times via the com­pany’s own video chan­nel. Enti­re sea­sons can be crea­ted in this way. Users are regu­lar­ly pro­vi­ded with useful infor­ma­ti­on at a mana­geable cost.

Audio pod­cast

If the sound of a video is extra­c­ted and pro­vi­ded with a sui­ta­ble mode­ra­ti­on, recor­dings can also be published as an audio pod­cast, for exam­p­le via your own web­site, Apple Pod­cast or Spotify.

Press box

To avo­id every media repre­sen­ta­ti­ve having to set up their own indi­vi­du­al micro­pho­ne and a “scram­ble for the best seats”, we can for­ward the signal from a sin­gle micro­pho­ne via a sui­ta­ble dis­tri­bu­tor to a lar­ge num­ber of XLR out­puts and pro­vi­de the TV and radio teams pre­sent with clean sound.

Strea­ming from the green field

Net­work covera­ge with 4G LTE is suf­fi­ci­ent in many cases to send a good strea­ming signal via the mobi­le net­work — some­ti­mes even from green­field sites. If seve­ral plat­forms are to be sup­pli­ed simul­ta­neous­ly, we use 5G LTE (if pos­si­ble on site) or sui­ta­ble dis­tri­bu­ti­on services.


Of cour­se we can show you in front of a digi­tal back­ground of your choice. On the one hand, thanks to a green screen, and on the other, thanks to the hard­ware and soft­ware used, which allow the fore­ground and back­ground to mer­ge see­mingly seamlessly.