Walk on red — stand on green
Many people are not used to it, some ignore it completely: the tally light. A small light above the camera lights up in either red or green and indicates the perspective from which the picture is or will be taken. Red means “recording”, green means “preparation”. And it’s not like in road traffic.
Desktop microphones are often also equipped with a small signal lamp. The speakers therefore know whether they are “on air” or not. Nevertheless, it sometimes happens that — despite prior information about the meaning of the signal lights — a questioning look (“Where do I have to look again?”) or a tap on the microphone followed by a “Do you understand me?” interrupts the transmission process a little. For the perfectionists among us, this may be a serious mistake, but ultimately it is an expression of tension — and this needs to be released. Nothing makes a program more exciting than authentic people. This sometimes includes a questioning look and a gentle knock. It will be better next time.