Video pro­duc­tion with high standards

Gui­ded by over 25 years of pho­to­gra­phic expe­ri­ence, we pro­du­ce appe­al­ing images, use light in a tar­ge­ted man­ner, cap­tu­re sce­nes from mul­ti­ple per­spec­ti­ves and work with high-qua­li­ty came­ras and lenses.

The video images are com­bi­ned live at the editing desk and pre­sen­ted to the view­ers on site and in the stream. If exter­nal spea­k­ers (inter­view part­ners or panel dis­cus­sants) are sche­du­led, we will con­nect them in sound and visi­on. We can extra­ct video streams from stan­dard con­fe­rence plat­forms and com­bi­ne them in a free­ly sel­ec­ta­ble video design to crea­te a new strea­ming image. To make pro­duc­tions mul­ti-laye­red and varied, we design and inte­gra­te — moving or as ani­ma­ti­on — bel­ly bands and gra­phics, add pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and inserts wit­hout delay, con­vert speech into text and fade it in live.