
The Stream­box­stu­di­os team can look back on many years of expe­ri­ence in pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to­gra­phy. We know the effect of the tar­ge­ted use of light and shadow, of main and accent light­ing, of colors and con­trasts and use the­se sty­li­stic devices in a tar­ge­ted manner.

Panel dis­cus­sions, for exam­p­le, requi­re lar­ge-sca­le and uni­form light­ing, whe­re­as inter­view recor­dings can be illu­mi­na­ted much more poin­ted­ly and with much grea­ter con­trast. Barn doors, trans­lu­cent umbrel­las, soft­bo­xes, grid­bo­xes and fil­ter foils com­ple­te our light­ing equipment.


  • Impro­ved visi­bi­li­ty: Good video light­ing can impro­ve the visi­bi­li­ty of the sub­ject and the sur­roun­dings. This is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important in poor light­ing con­di­ti­ons, as the video qua­li­ty suf­fers signi­fi­cant­ly wit­hout suf­fi­ci­ent lighting.
  • Impro­ved image qua­li­ty: The right light­ing can impro­ve the qua­li­ty of the video image by redu­cing image noi­se, impro­ving con­trast and making colors appear more vivid and natural.
  • Pro­fes­sio­nal appearance: Well-lit vide­os crea­te a more pro­fes­sio­nal appearance and empha­si­ze the impact of busi­ness or mar­ke­ting vide­os in particular.
  • Crea­ti­ve con­trol: With video light­ing, you can con­trol the mood and color tone of the video by adjus­ting the inten­si­ty, direc­tion and color tem­pe­ra­tu­re of the lighting.
  • Impro­ved sto­rytel­ling: Light­ing can be used crea­tively to impro­ve the sto­rytel­ling aspect of vide­os. For exam­p­le, chan­ges in light­ing can help to con­vey mood swings or times of day.
  • Increased enga­ge­ment: A well-lit video is more appe­al­ing and can keep the view­er’s atten­ti­on for longer.
  • Bet­ter video con­fe­ren­cing: In the age of working from home, good light­ing impro­ves the qua­li­ty of video con­fe­ren­ces. Vir­tu­al mee­tings are beco­ming more appealing.

Stream­box­stu­di­os reli­es on sui­ta­ble light­ing, regard­less of the cho­sen loca­ti­on. As we also have bat­tery-powered LED lights, we can also pro­vi­de an appe­al­ing light­ing atmo­sphe­re on green meadows.


We use devices that can be con­trol­led via the DMX pro­to­col (Digi­tal Mul­ti­plex) for light­ing and the rea­liza­ti­on of spe­cial effects (gobos, light strips, fog machi­nes, etc.). The con­trol soft­ware can be used to pro­gram, simu­la­te, test, opti­mi­ze and save light­ing sce­nes and effects in advan­ce of an event. At the time of the event, they are then rea­dy for imme­dia­te retrie­val at the touch of a but­ton. And if some­thing does need to be chan­ged at short noti­ce, this is also possible.

Advan­ta­ges of DMX:

  • Fle­xi­bi­li­ty: DMX enables fle­xi­ble con­trol of light­ing and other devices. It can con­trol a lar­ge num­ber of devices and the pro­to­col can be easi­ly pro­grammed to crea­te com­plex light­ing effects.
  • Sca­la­bi­li­ty: DMX can be used to con­trol a few lights in a small venue or thou­sands of lights in a lar­ge sta­di­um. It can also con­trol other devices such as fog machi­nes, flas­hes and lasers.
  • Pre­cis­i­on: DMX offers pre­cise con­trol of light­ing and other devices. It can con­trol indi­vi­du­al lights and dim­ming levels, making a varie­ty of light­ing effects possible.
  • Auto­ma­ti­on: DMX can be used to auto­ma­te light­ing and other effects. This makes more com­plex and syn­chro­ni­zed shows pos­si­ble. DMX can also be used to trig­ger effects in respon­se to other inputs such as sound or movement.
  • Com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty: DMX is a wide­ly used stan­dard, so devices from dif­fe­rent manu­fac­tu­r­ers are often com­pa­ti­ble. This makes it easier to mix and match devices from dif­fe­rent sup­pli­ers to crea­te a cus­to­mi­zed setup.
  • Inex­pen­si­ve: DMX is a rela­tively inex­pen­si­ve pro­to­col that is acces­si­ble to a wide ran­ge of users. It can be used with simp­le or more com­plex set­ups, depen­ding on the user’s needs and budget.

DMX is a powerful and fle­xi­ble solu­ti­on for con­trol­ling light­ing and other devices at live events and shows. The many advan­ta­ges make DMX a popu­lar choice for light­ing desi­gners and event planners.