How we produce

We have your back so that you can enjoy all the bene­fits of hybrid events by taking care of smooth pro­duc­tion in the background.

The mul­ti-pro­fes­sio­nal team at Stream­box­stu­di­os trans­forms any loca­ti­on into a stu­dio. Whe­ther in con­fe­rence and mee­ting rooms, in con­fe­rence or con­gress cen­ters or on green­field sites: our ran­ge of ser­vices is desi­gned to pro­vi­de maxi­mum sup­port regard­less of loca­ti­on. We have our own high-qua­li­ty, pre­cis­e­ly coor­di­na­ted modu­lar pro­duc­tion tech­no­lo­gy to ensu­re that your events are trans­fer­red to the Inter­net plat­forms of your choice. When it comes down to it, we also pro­vi­de the neces­sa­ry elec­tri­ci­ty and inter­net connection.

1 Rese­arch

How big is the event? Is the­re a draft of the sche­du­le? Should the­re be a podi­um? Which platform(s) should be used for strea­ming? Should the streams be inte­gra­ted into a web­site? Are vir­tu­al spea­k­ers plan­ned? Should sur­veys be inte­gra­ted and made visi­ble on screens on site? Are gra­phic ele­ments such as covers, breaks or info slides requi­red? Are bel­ly bands desi­red? …

2 Pro­ject planning

On the basis of all the infor­ma­ti­on, we deve­lop a pro­duc­tion and direc­tion plan in con­sul­ta­ti­on with you. Not­hing is set in stone, becau­se every event has its very own dyna­mics — to which we respond in a rela­xed and pro­fes­sio­nal man­ner. You know: In peace and quiet …

3 Check-up

We set up the pro­duc­tion tech­no­lo­gy in advan­ce, set it up and ensu­re that the­re is suf­fi­ci­ent time for exten­si­ve test runs befo­re the pro­gram starts. This appli­es to both the pro­ces­ses in front of the came­ras and the tech­ni­cal checks behind them.

4 Live

3–2‑1-live! From the first to the last second, we have your event firm­ly in our sights: at the came­ra, at the mixing desk, in the con­trol room, at the com­pu­ter. We fol­low the event from the per­spec­ti­ve of the online par­ti­ci­pan­ts, keep in touch with the con­nec­ted spea­k­ers and take care of spon­ta­neous pro­gram chan­ges. In short, we have your back so that you and your guests can relax in front of the cameras.

5 Post-pro­duc­tion

On request, we can prepa­re excerp­ts or enti­re recor­dings for your social media or video-on-demand offe­rings, set up sui­ta­ble web­sites and take care of all rele­vant tech­ni­cal issues. This gives you the best audio and video mate­ri­al even after your event to pro­mo­te the next one. As the say­ing goes: After the game …