Go live on AMAZON

Ama­zon Live is a live strea­ming plat­form pro­vi­ded by Ama­zon that enables brands and com­pa­nies to pre­sent their pro­ducts and enga­ge with cus­to­mers in real time.

Here are some advan­ta­ges of using Ama­zon Live:

  • Increased pro­duct visi­bi­li­ty: Ama­zon Live enables brands to pre­sent their pro­ducts to mil­li­ons of Ama­zon cus­to­mers. This helps to increase pro­duct visi­bi­li­ty and awareness.
  • Real-time enga­ge­ment: Ama­zon Live allows sel­lers and poten­ti­al buy­ers to inter­act in real time. This increa­ses trust and cus­to­mer satisfaction.
  • Hig­her sales: As poten­ti­al cus­to­mers can buy direct­ly from the live stream, Ama­zon Live increa­ses sales. Also think about impul­se purchases.
  • Impro­ved cus­to­mer expe­ri­ence: Ama­zon Live helps to pro­vi­de cus­to­mers with an impro­ved shop­ping expe­ri­ence by deli­ve­ring valuable pro­duct infor­ma­ti­on and insights. Cus­to­mer loyal­ty and satis­fac­tion are increasing.
  • Cost-effec­ti­ve mar­ke­ting: The­re are no fees for using the plat­form and com­pa­nies can use exis­ting pro­duct images and vide­os for their live stream content.

Ama­zon Live con­tri­bu­tes to pro­duct visi­bi­li­ty, impro­ves cont­act with end cus­to­mers, increa­ses sales and impro­ves the cus­to­mer expe­ri­ence and offers a cost-effec­ti­ve mar­ke­ting solu­ti­on. It is a powerful tool for brands loo­king to expand their reach and grow their busi­ness on Amazon.

The mul­ti-pro­fes­sio­nal team at Stream­box­stu­di­os sup­ports you in set­ting up and ope­ra­ting your own Ama­zon Live chan­nel. This appli­es to both con­cep­tu­al and tech­ni­cal aspects.

We will be hap­py to pro­fes­sio­nal­ly stage you and your pro­ducts in our stu­dio. We pro­vi­de attrac­ti­ve light­ing, inte­res­t­ing came­ra angles, per­fect sound and the right visua­liza­ti­on.