Clear advan­ta­ge

Live­strea­ming con­nects, increa­ses reach and is authentic.

  • Be con­nec­ted: Live­strea­ming con­nects you with your audi­ence in real time and offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty for imme­dia­te feed­back and inter­ac­tion. This crea­tes a more per­so­nal and enga­ging expe­ri­ence for view­ers and helps build a stron­ger con­nec­tion bet­ween you, your pro­duct, your ser­vice and your customers.
  • Expand reach: Live­strea­ming rea­ches a wider audi­ence than tra­di­tio­nal ways of rea­ching peo­p­le, as it is shared and view­ed by peo­p­le all over the world. This increa­ses your visi­bi­li­ty, expands your audi­ence and brings you into cont­act with peo­p­le who might not other­wi­se have dis­co­ver­ed your content.
  • Cos­ts under con­trol: Live­strea­ming is a cost-effec­ti­ve way to crea­te and share con­tent as it requi­res mini­mal equip­ment and can be done from almost any­whe­re with an inter­net con­nec­tion. This makes it par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­t­ing for small com­pa­nies, start-ups or indi­vi­du­als who want to build up their online presence.
  • Be authen­tic: Live­strea­ming shows you authen­ti­cal­ly and per­so­nal­ly. Trust and cre­di­bi­li­ty are enhan­ced. Through con­ver­sa­ti­ons and inter­ac­tions in real time, you show who you are and what you and your offer stand for. The result is a more authen­tic and sin­ce­re connection.
  • Rela­xed enjoy­ment: Live­strea­ming is rela­xing for both broad­cas­ters and view­ers, as it allows fle­xi­bi­li­ty in terms of time and loca­ti­on. Broad­cas­ters can crea­te and share con­tent from almost any­whe­re, while view­ers can watch and enga­ge with con­tent from the com­fort of their own homes or on the move.