Snow flur­ries in the studio

Whe­re­ver you want to be — we have the right sce­n­ery. As a pho­to­graph or as a video. Or both.

In green screen pro­duc­tions, the main motif is shot against a green back­ground. By using spe­cial hard­ware and soft­ware, the green part of the image is repla­ced by ano­ther image or video in real time.

In our stu­dio we can pre­sent spea­k­ers in front of or in a back­ground of your choice. We can also use lay­ers to dis­play addi­tio­nal image ele­ments, such as gra­phics to illus­tra­te com­pli­ca­ted issues.

Rea­li­stic vir­tu­al sets with fixed camera

We use the indus­try stan­dard Ulti­mat­te 12, the most advan­ced live com­po­si­ting pro­ces­sor for broad­cast gra­phics. The algo­rith­ms of the Ulti­mat­te 12 crea­te life­li­ke com­po­sings. They deli­ver the best edge pro­ces­sing, color sepa­ra­ti­on and color fide­li­ty plus bet­ter color frin­ge suppression.

360-degree live stream

To immer­se your digi­tal par­ti­ci­pan­ts even fur­ther in your event, we crea­te fasci­na­ting pan­o­r­amic views with our 360-degree came­ras. The high­light: All digi­tal par­ti­ci­pan­ts can choo­se their very own per­spec­ti­ve inde­pendent­ly of each other and look around at their leisure.

Espe­ci­al­ly during the check-in of the pre­sence par­ti­ci­pan­ts as well as during the breaks for cof­fee or lunch on site, such an offer plea­ses the view­ers at the end devices.