Clear advan­ta­ge

Live­strea­ming con­nects, increa­ses reach and is authentic.

  • Be con­nec­ted: Live­strea­ming con­nects you with your audi­ence in real time and offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty for imme­dia­te feed­back and inter­ac­tion. This crea­tes a more per­so­nal and enga­ging expe­ri­ence for view­ers and helps build a stron­ger con­nec­tion bet­ween you, your pro­duct, your ser­vice and your customers.
  • Expand reach: Live­strea­ming rea­ches a wider audi­ence than tra­di­tio­nal ways of rea­ching peo­p­le, as it is shared and view­ed by peo­p­le all over the world. This increa­ses your visi­bi­li­ty, expands your audi­ence and brings you into cont­act with peo­p­le who might not other­wi­se have dis­co­ver­ed your content.
  • Cos­ts under con­trol: Live­strea­ming is a cost-effec­ti­ve way to crea­te and share con­tent as it requi­res mini­mal equip­ment and can be done from almost any­whe­re with an inter­net con­nec­tion. This makes it par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­t­ing for small com­pa­nies, start-ups or indi­vi­du­als who want to build up their online presence.
  • Be authen­tic: Live­strea­ming shows you authen­ti­cal­ly and per­so­nal­ly. Trust and cre­di­bi­li­ty are enhan­ced. Through con­ver­sa­ti­ons and inter­ac­tions in real time, you show who you are and what you and your offer stand for. The result is a more authen­tic and sin­ce­re connection.
  • Rela­xed enjoy­ment: Live­strea­ming is rela­xing for both broad­cas­ters and view­ers, as it allows fle­xi­bi­li­ty in terms of time and loca­ti­on. Broad­cas­ters can crea­te and share con­tent from almost any­whe­re, while view­ers can watch and enga­ge with con­tent from the com­fort of their own homes or on the move.

The future of vir­tu­al events

We con­nect peo­p­le through the use of inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies and con­tri­bu­te to the exch­an­ge of know­ledge and expe­ri­ence. We are con­vin­ced that vir­tu­al and hybrid events, in com­bi­na­ti­on with the diver­se pos­si­bi­li­ties of social media, will make an important con­tri­bu­ti­on to sha­ping the future.

Vir­tu­al and hybrid events are beco­ming incre­asing­ly ancho­red in all groups of socie­ty. We use our human and tech­ni­cal resour­ces to faci­li­ta­te per­so­nal dis­cus­sions, deba­tes and the exch­an­ge of infor­ma­ti­on and know­ledge — world­wi­de, wit­hout spa­ti­al or tem­po­ral boundaries.

We see gre­at growth in both vir­tu­al and hybrid events, fue­led by the desi­re to redu­ce cos­t­ly tra­vel for events and mee­tings in order to redu­ce an individual’s per­so­nal car­bon footprint.

The pan­de­mic has made it clear that vir­tu­al and hybrid events are a real alter­na­ti­ve to face-to-face events. Modern events are no lon­ger up to date wit­hout vir­tu­al and hybrid elements.

In order to rea­li­ze a high-qua­li­ty vir­tu­al or hybrid event, com­pre­hen­si­ve know­ledge of the diver­se con­cep­tu­al and tech­ni­cal pos­si­bi­li­ties is requi­red. The mul­ti-pro­fes­sio­nal Stream­box­stu­di­os team has the expe­ri­ence and know­ledge to make your event, whe­ther hybrid or vir­tu­al, a success.

Vir­tu­al events are alre­a­dy a big trend
Online events play their part in gro­wing your audi­ence. Online events can attract count­less view­ers. This requi­res a tech­ni­cal set­up that is both powerful and inter­ac­ti­ve in order to invol­ve the enti­re audience.

You can increase the num­ber of par­ti­ci­pan­ts at your events wit­hout much effort. Just think of the pos­si­bi­li­ties of strea­ming via lar­ge plat­forms such as You­Tube or Twitch, the pos­si­bi­li­ty of cus­to­mer sha­ring via social media or the use of powerful event plat­forms such as Won­der or Hopin. This also impro­ves the pos­si­bi­li­ties for spe­ci­al­ly cus­to­mi­zed spon­sor­ship packages.

The advan­ta­ges of orga­ni­zing high-qua­li­ty vir­tu­al events
We use sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy to bring tog­e­ther a broa­der spec­trum of visio­na­ries, spea­k­ers and tea­chers world­wi­de, while hel­ping to opti­mi­ze costs.

Advan­ta­ges of swit­ching to a vir­tu­al platform:

  • more sus­tainable events
  • Various par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on options
  • Redu­ced CO2 foot­print for all participants
  • Detail­ed insight through ana­ly­sis tools to opti­mi­ze future contributions
  • Lower event cos­ts for space, food and drinks
  • More oppor­tu­ni­ties to inte­gra­te event spon­sors and achie­ve a bet­ter ROI
  • Broa­der edu­ca­tio­nal oppor­tu­ni­ties through low-thres­hold access
  • Simp­le and effi­ci­ent networking

Invol­ve ana­log and digi­tal par­ti­ci­pan­ts seam­less­ly and encou­ra­ge them to sub­scri­be to your social media chan­nels, beco­me fol­lo­wers and deve­lop into brand ambassa­dors. Sin­ce par­ti­ci­pan­ts do not tra­vel to your event, your online event can be shorter and last seve­ral days.

Sca­ling com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on through streaming

By using live strea­ming, you can sca­le your com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. Live strea­ming of audio or video con­tent in real time rea­ches in par­ti­cu­lar all tho­se who, for exam­p­le, do not want to make a long jour­ney or can­not come to your face-to-face event for other pro­fes­sio­nal or pri­va­te reasons. If you offer your live­stream via a sui­ta­ble plat­form such as You­Tube, Vimeo or Twitch, to name but a few, you will reach com­ple­te­ly new user groups.

To sca­le your com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on through strea­ming, various tools and plat­forms are available to reach a lar­ge tar­get group. Here are some examples:

  1. Web­i­nar plat­forms: Web­i­nar plat­forms such as Zoom, MS Teams and Webex offer fea­tures such as screen sha­ring, live polls and Q&A ses­si­ons that allow you to deli­ver enga­ging and inter­ac­ti­ve pre­sen­ta­ti­ons to a lar­ge audience.
  2. Live strea­ming on social media: Social media plat­forms such as Face­book, Insta­gram and Twit­ter offer live strea­ming func­tions that allow you to reach a lar­ge tar­get group in real time. The­se plat­forms are ide­al for broad­cas­ting events, pro­duct laun­ches or any other event that requi­res imme­dia­te and wide distribution.
  3. Con­tent deli­very net­works (CDNs): CDNs like Aka­mai and Cloud­fla­re help you deli­ver live streams to a lar­ge audi­ence by sto­ring your con­tent on ser­vers around the world, pro­vi­ding fast and relia­ble access for viewers.
  4. Strea­ming ser­vices: Strea­ming ser­vices such as You­Tube Live, Twitch and Vimeo offer a plat­form for hos­ting live events and strea­ming con­tent. The­se plat­forms enable real-time inter­ac­tion with view­ers and are the­r­e­fo­re ide­al for sca­ling communication.

Over­all, sca­ling com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons through strea­ming requi­res a com­bi­na­ti­on of the right tools, plat­forms and con­tent deli­very net­works to ensu­re your mes­sa­ges are deli­ver­ed effi­ci­ent­ly, effec­tively and to the right audience.

Live­strea­ming and hybrid events 2.0 — one-hit won­der or a gen­re with a future

It was­n’t all that long ago that the terms live­strea­ming and hybrid events were some­thing for tech geeks in the know. Today, in the sum­mer of 2022, most of us can sing a song about vir­tu­al mee­tings with ZOOM, MS Teams or WebEx. The ver­ses deal with web­cams and micro­pho­nes, band­widths and net­work con­nec­tions, green screens and vir­tu­al back­grounds. Alt­hough two years of the pan­de­mic have given digi­ta­liza­ti­on a powerful boost, the song is now han­ging out of our ears. Will live­streams and hybrid events be remem­be­red as one-hit won­ders, or is a pre­vious­ly unknown gen­re curr­ent­ly in a tem­po­ra­ry slump and soon to soar to new heights?

Per­haps it will help if we take ano­ther look at the cha­rac­te­ristics of digi­tal events and take a clo­ser look at the notes, so to speak. We dis­co­ver­ed the micro­pho­nes and web­cams on our lap­tops becau­se face-to-face mee­tings were sim­ply not pos­si­ble. The jus­ti­fied con­cern about infec­tion and the fur­ther spread of the pan­de­mic is too gre­at. In a way, it is a tool to con­tain the pan­de­mic, but also to stay in cont­act and exch­an­ge ide­as despi­te the rest­ric­tions. First on a small sca­le, within pri­va­te com­mu­ni­ties, and then quite quick­ly on a lar­ge sca­le, within com­pa­nies, local­ly, regio­nal­ly and internationally.

Ser­vice pro­vi­ders of video plat­forms reco­gni­zed their oppor­tu­ni­ties, suc­ces­si­ve­ly expan­ded their offe­rings and desi­gned incre­asing­ly user-fri­end­ly soft­ware. On the user side, con­fi­dence in deal­ing with a wide ran­ge of soft­ware pro­ducts grew with each addi­tio­nal vir­tu­al mee­ting. What was once only of inte­rest to a few has beco­me gene­ral digi­tal know­ledge. Vir­tu­al life, on num­e­rous chan­nels, at all times.

Until March 2020, I mys­elf only used the video func­tion on my lap­top occa­sio­nal­ly, and I hard­ly ever used my came­ras, and when I did, it was only very rare­ly. Both the time requi­red for crea­ti­on and post-pro­ces­sing and the neces­sa­ry invest­ment in com­pu­ter power were too high for me. This view chan­ged abrupt­ly at the start of the pandemic.

I was grip­ped by the new­ly dis­co­ver­ed pos­si­bi­li­ties. On the one hand out of entre­pre­neu­ri­al inte­rest, becau­se my field of work of pho­to­gra­phic event docu­men­ta­ti­on came to a com­ple­te standstill within a very short time and a new source of inco­me had to be found. On the other hand, becau­se of the instru­ments that are beco­ming incre­asing­ly reco­gnizable to me, their indi­vi­du­al sounds and the asso­cia­ted oppor­tu­ni­ties for design. Today I no lon­ger see a sin­gle instru­ment. I see an enti­re orches­tra and thus the opti­on of diver­se and varied audio­vi­su­al streams.

But what are the reasons for always play­ing the same notes in the same sequence?

We want secu­ri­ty. A desi­re that is firm­ly ancho­red in human natu­re. The playful approach from the initi­al pha­se has given way to rigid sequen­ces and struc­tures. Strea­ming sce­na­ri­os that have been tes­ted for the first time and then rehe­ar­sed in rea­liza­ti­on are con­so­li­da­ted and always imple­men­ted in the same way. This makes sen­se, becau­se not every event or mee­ting needs shots from mul­ti­ple per­spec­ti­ves, varied light­ing or a crea­ti­ve com­bi­na­ti­on of the num­e­rous pos­si­bi­li­ties for inter­ac­tion bet­ween par­ti­ci­pan­ts on loca­ti­on and in front of the end devices. And yes, the more the num­e­rous opti­ons have to be com­bi­ned and coor­di­na­ted with each other, the more they may not work accor­ding to plan. It the­r­e­fo­re makes sen­se to weigh up the effort invol­ved and the asso­cia­ted poten­ti­al risks.

Howe­ver, if this takes us in a direc­tion that results in every digi­tal event being pro­du­ced in the same way, bore­dom and over­sa­tu­ra­ti­on are ine­vi­ta­ble. If oppor­tu­ni­ties and pos­si­bi­li­ties remain unu­sed and the digi­tal key­board is not play­ed with ease, the­re will be no new audio­vi­su­al sounds. What helps is a “back to squa­re one”, but with the diver­se expe­ri­en­ces from the live­streams and hybrid events pro­du­ced so far.

Vir­tu­al events are valuable

The lear­ning cur­ve in 2020–22 was steep. One of the most important fin­dings is that vir­tu­al events are not a stop­gap solu­ti­on, but can offer real added value.

Time is rela­ti­ve: the tran­si­ti­on from purely face-to-face events to digi­tal, hybrid, vir­tu­al events does not mean trans­fer­ring ever­y­thing to the digi­tal world on a 1:1 sca­le. A new ori­en­ta­ti­on is nee­ded. What are the par­ti­ci­pan­ts’ moti­va­tions? How must the offer be pre­pared so that it is accept­ed both on site and on digi­tal devices? The value of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on ari­ses from the joint deve­lo­p­ment of ide­as, from joint lear­ning and from the resul­ting con­nec­tions — and not from the time invested.

On the stage! A clas­sic pre­sence pre­sen­ta­ti­on puts the brand, the ser­vice, the pro­duct in the fore­ground. A chan­ge of per­spec­ti­ve places the audi­ence on the stage and inte­gra­tes them. The asso­cia­ted user expe­ri­ence makes the brand, the ser­vice and the pro­duct tan­gi­ble. Value pro­po­si­ti­on beco­mes a value expe­ri­ence. Wat­ching beco­mes doing.

Orga­ni­ze finan­ces: To date, inco­me from events has been gene­ra­ted from exhi­bi­tor fees, adver­ti­sing con­tracts, spon­sor­ship and ticket sales. It’s time to rethink the forms of finan­cing and take advan­ta­ge of the oppor­tu­ni­ties ope­ned up by strea­ming. Video-on-demand for a fee, cus­to­mi­zed spon­so­ring based on com­ple­te­ly new reach or the diver­se pos­si­bi­li­ties of sca­ling open up new ave­nues. Reve­nues rise, cos­ts per par­ti­ci­pant fall.

Read mea­su­red values: Digi­tal always means mea­su­red values. The breadth and depth of pos­si­ble infor­ma­ti­on is enorm­ous. Not every one helps or makes sen­se. Read, inter­pret and use sui­ta­ble infor­ma­ti­on to opti­mi­ze offers and adapt them to the needs of users.

The future of the event indus­try will also be deci­ded in the digi­tal space. Future-ori­en­ted event orga­ni­zers take advan­ta­ge of the oppor­tu­ni­ties and pos­si­bi­li­ties of the digi­tal for­mat. They adapt indi­vi­du­al­ly and ensu­re suc­cessful imple­men­ta­ti­on. The lear­ning cur­ve remains steep.

The future of lear­ning: EdTech

New tech­no­lo­gies have an impact on the way we teach and learn. The term “EdTech” (Edu­ca­tio­nal Tech­no­lo­gy) stands for the­se chan­ges. It covers the deve­lo­p­ment and imple­men­ta­ti­on of digi­tal tools, plat­forms and resour­ces that are used to sup­port edu­ca­tio­nal pro­ces­ses. The­se include online lear­ning plat­forms, edu­ca­tio­nal soft­ware, digi­tal text­books and mobi­le applications.

EdTech can also refer to the use of tech­no­lo­gy to sup­port admi­nis­tra­ti­ve tasks, such as stu­dent manage­ment sys­tems and assess­ment tools. The field of EdTech is evol­ving rapidly and has the poten­ti­al to trans­form the way edu­ca­ti­on is deli­ver­ed and acces­sed, making it more fle­xi­ble, per­so­na­li­zed and acces­si­ble to lear­ners of all ages and backgrounds.

Deve­lo­p­ments that could shape the future of EdTech:

  • Per­so­na­li­zed lear­ning: Edtech will enable per­so­na­li­zed lear­ning expe­ri­en­ces tail­o­red to lear­ners’ indi­vi­du­al needs and pre­fe­ren­ces. Arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) algo­rith­ms and machi­ne lear­ning will help ana­ly­ze data to crea­te per­so­na­li­zed lear­ning paths and adapt tea­ching methods to dif­fe­rent lear­ning styles.
  • Vir­tu­al and aug­men­ted rea­li­ty: Vir­tu­al and aug­men­ted rea­li­ty (VR/AR) tech­no­lo­gy enables immersi­on in inter­ac­ti­ve 3D lear­ning envi­ron­ments that can simu­la­te real-life expe­ri­en­ces. This is par­ti­cu­lar­ly useful for sci­en­ti­fic sub­jects, tech­no­lo­gy or medicine.
  • Gami­fi­ca­ti­on: When ele­ments from games are used in non-game con­texts, such as in edu­ca­ti­on, this is refer­red to as gami­fi­ca­ti­on. The future belongs to lear­ning in an appe­al­ing and enter­tai­ning way.
  • Mobi­le lear­ning: Mobi­le devices will con­ti­nue to play an essen­ti­al role in edu­ca­ti­on as they enable lear­ners to access lear­ning mate­ri­als and resour­ces any­ti­me, any­whe­re. Mobi­le lear­ning apps and plat­forms will beco­me more and more popu­lar. Lear­ning on the go.
  • Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve lear­ning: Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve lear­ning is faci­li­ta­ted by EdTech tools, as col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween lear­ners and tea­chers is pos­si­ble in real time, regard­less of their phy­si­cal location.

The future of EdTech will offer new and inno­va­ti­ve ways to sup­port tea­ching and lear­ning and make edu­ca­ti­on more acces­si­ble, enga­ging and effec­ti­ve for all.

Edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons that expand their offe­ring to include digi­tal and hybrid events are seen as con­tem­po­ra­ry and modern. The way to achie­ve this lies in adapt­ed didac­tics and the best pos­si­ble tech­ni­cal implementation.

Pos­si­ble digi­tal offers are:

  • Live­streams from lec­tu­re halls or semi­nar rooms
  • Recor­ding of lec­tures or con­fe­ren­ces, available at any time (video-on-demand)
  • hybrid events so that they can be fol­lo­wed on site or live on screen, depen­ding on the life situation
  • Short lear­ning vide­os to rein­force key aspects
  • Moti­va­tio­nal spee­ches as a live­stream or recording
  • Image vide­os

Walk on red — stand on green

Many peo­p­le are not used to it, some igno­re it com­ple­te­ly: the tal­ly light. A small light abo­ve the came­ra lights up in eit­her red or green and indi­ca­tes the per­spec­ti­ve from which the pic­tu­re is or will be taken. Red means “recor­ding”, green means “pre­pa­ra­ti­on”. And it’s not like in road traffic.

Desk­top micro­pho­nes are often also equip­ped with a small signal lamp. The spea­k­ers the­r­e­fo­re know whe­ther they are “on air” or not. Nevert­hel­ess, it some­ti­mes hap­pens that — despi­te pri­or infor­ma­ti­on about the mea­ning of the signal lights — a ques­tio­ning look (“Whe­re do I have to look again?”) or a tap on the micro­pho­ne fol­lo­wed by a “Do you under­stand me?” inter­rupts the trans­mis­si­on pro­cess a litt­le. For the per­fec­tion­ists among us, this may be a serious mista­ke, but ulti­m­ate­ly it is an expres­si­on of ten­si­on — and this needs to be released. Not­hing makes a pro­gram more exci­ting than authen­tic peo­p­le. This some­ti­mes includes a ques­tio­ning look and a gent­le knock. It will be bet­ter next time.