Book launch in the livestream

Publi­shing a book is an important and exci­ting time for any aut­hor, and you want to publi­ci­ze your work as wide­ly as pos­si­ble. Live strea­ming allows you to reach a wider audi­ence than “just” the per­so­nal participants.

With a suc­cessful live­stream, you can expand your fan base and increase sales. Stream­box­stu­di­os can help you put tog­e­ther a book launch live­stream so you can share your book with the world even faster.

Live strea­ming is beco­ming incre­asing­ly important in order to reach Inter­net users of all ages. Inte­res­ted par­ties who are unable to attend your event in per­son will still get the fee­ling of being the­re thanks to a high-qua­li­ty live stream.

Book pre­sen­ta­ti­on in the live stream:

  • Extend your reach to new and exis­ting readers
  • Use the recor­ding to pro­du­ce adver­ti­sing mate­ri­al that you can use afterwards
  • give your rea­ders the fee­ling of closeness
  • Add an attrac­ti­ve com­po­nent to your mar­ke­ting strategy

Crea­ting a suc­cessful live stream for the book launch

A suc­cessful live­stream requi­res more than just swit­ching on a came­ra. Trust the mul­ti-pro­fes­sio­nal team at Stream­box­stu­di­os to crea­te a vir­tu­al event expe­ri­ence for your rea­ders.

To achie­ve the best result for your event, you need …

  • an uncom­pli­ca­ted regis­tra­ti­on and log­in pro­cess for participants,
  • a powerful and relia­ble Inter­net connection,
  • com­pe­tent came­ra and sound peo­p­le and
  • the opti­ons for inter­ac­ting with vir­tu­al guests.

The Stream­box­stu­di­os team offers high-qua­li­ty video ser­vices for book pre­sen­ta­ti­ons on all major social media plat­forms. We have ever­y­thing you need to make your book pre­sen­ta­ti­on a vir­tu­al success.

Sel­ec­tion of a platform

We can pro­fes­sio­nal­ly stream con­tent to any social media chan­nel of your choice. At the same time if you wish.

Some of the most popu­lar plat­forms are:

Face­book Live. Levera­ge your exis­ting fol­lo­wers on Face­book and attract users from all cor­ners of the plat­form. Face­book enables real-time enga­ge­ment and simp­le advertising.

You­Tube Live. You­Tube offers hel­pful func­tions such as sche­du­ling and a live chat room. In addi­ti­on, anyo­ne can join with a link.

Insta­gram Live. Insta­gram is a popu­lar plat­form with a lar­ge num­ber of glo­bal users. You have fewer opti­ons than with other plat­forms, but it’s easy to use and share.

Twitch. Twitch is a popu­lar plat­form for gamers and the per­fect plat­form if your audi­ence spends a lot of time there.

Why work with Streamboxstudios?

Stream­box­stu­di­os can help you sel­ect sui­ta­ble plat­forms for your book pre­sen­ta­ti­on. be hel­pful. We pro­vi­de you with a cus­to­mi­zed video production.

Our pro­duc­tions are web and mobi­le-fri­end­ly. Test runs befo­re the plan­ned event eli­mi­na­te tech­ni­cal pro­blems and ensu­re that ever­y­thing runs smoothly.

As we record your event, you can make it available as video-on-demand on the same day.

Take advan­ta­ge of the exper­ti­se of the Stream­box­stu­di­os team and let us advi­se and actively sup­port you from the very first minu­te. Cont­act us today to find out more about how we can help you!

Düs­sel­dorf Rea­ding Festival

In 2020 and 2021, the pro­gram of the Düs­sel­dorf Rea­ding Fes­ti­val was rea­li­zed in who­le or in part via live­streams. Rea­ding loca­ti­ons included the Düs­sel­dorf Cen­tral Libra­ry and indi­vi­du­al rea­ding rooms in Düs­sel­dorf ele­men­ta­ry school.

The Stream­box­stu­di­os team was respon­si­ble for the smooth tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on of the streams, which were broad­cast from the rea­ding room of Düsseldorf’s cen­tral libra­ry and from rooms in Düsseldorf’s ele­men­ta­ry school. The most­ly young view­ers were able to fol­low the rea­ding via YouTube.

The books pre­sen­ted included “Ben and Teo” by Mar­tin Balt­scheit and “The Yel­low Cra­ne” by Patrick Salmen.